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  • 1Huis Ten Bosch
    Huis Ten Bosch is a Dutch town theme park which contains a replica of one of the official residences of the Dutch Royal Family. The Dutch have had a long and deep historical relationship with Nagasaki. The area of the park is 152 hectares in total and has 400,000 trees and 100,000 flowers throughout the year. The town has various shops and restaurants, theaters, museums, art museums, amusement facilities, hotels and villas, as well as banks, hospitals and fire stations.6 kilometers of canals crisscross the town in all directions. Each area has a name associated with Holland and has a certain function in the town.

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  • 2Nagasaki Shinchi Chinatown
    The Nagasaki Shinchi Chinatown is located in the Shinchi-machi district in Nagasaki City. Nagasaki’s chinatown is recorded in Japan as being one of the country’s three biggest chinatowns alongside Yokohama and Kobe. Shinchi Chinatown was established by the large Chinese population that has historically resided in the city of Nagasaki. The town therefore features many shops and restaurants offering authentic Chinese produce and cuisines. Nagasaki Shinchi Chinatown is also the origin of the famous Nagasaki Lantern Festival which occurs in the city every year in February to celebrate the new year on the lunar calendar.

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  • 3Mifuneyama Rakuen Gardens
    Mt. Mifuneyama quite often called Mt. Karafune, which translates as Chinese ship, as it its said to resemble one. At the foot of this mountain is the spread out Mifuneyama Rakuen Garden, which was originally established by the 28th feudal lord of the Takeo Domain, Shigeyoshi Nabeshima, as a holiday home. The garden and landscaping is said to have taken approximately 3 years. Every year people visit the Miyafune Rakuen Garden to see the 5000 sakura cherry blossom trees, and 50,000 azaleas, which merge together in a way that looks like a traditional Chinese painting.

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  • 4Kikuchi Valley
    Kikuchi Valley is located in Aso Kuju National Park. Underground water flows out of the subsoil for 4km along the valley floor. It is also called the Kikuchi water source and its water was selected as one of the 100 best waters in Japan. The water temperature is low throughout the year, about 13 ℃ even in summertime. Kikuchi Valley is an ideal place for a summer resort. Also it has a walking trail, forest park and wild bird park, etc. Since over 50 kinds of wild birds are living in the valley, many people visit for bird watching.

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  • 5Suizen-Ji Joju-En
    The Suizen-Ji Joju-En is a Kaiyuteien*, a type of Japanese garden. In this garden, said to imitate the 53 Stations of the Tokaido Road*, visitors can enjoy this beautiful garden along with its gentle hills and its ponds that resemble lakes. In the northern part of the garden is the Izumi-jinya Shrine where successive generations of the Hosokawa clan are enshrined.

    *Kaiyuteien is a type of circular Japanese garden where individuals walk around the garden and appreciate what is in it.
    *Tokaido Road was the most important of the five routes of the Edo period, which connected Edo (present day Tokyo) to Kyoto.

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  • 6Kusasenri
    Kusasenri is a prairie with a beautiful view of the smoking Mt. Naka. This prairie is a large quadrangular grassy plain, which spreads out at the northern foot of Mt.Eboshi. A big pond at its center and grazing horses round about make an idyllic scene. Visitors can enjoy the various seasons from its vivid green summer to the fantastic silvery winter, as well as riding horses and strolling around throughout the year. It is one of the typical scenes of the Aso area, its beauty has been written about by many poets.

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  • 7Takachiho Gorge
    Takachiho Gorge was formed from lava from Mount Aso which over time eroded to create 80~ 100m high cliffs of volcanic basalt columns. Its old mysterious abysses and water trickling from rocks are complemented by vivid greenery in early summer as well as tinted leaves in autumn; its magnificent views refresh visitors. A view of Manai Waterfall from a boat is both beautiful and mysterious.

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  • 8Kurokawa Onsen (Hot Spring) (Minamioguni Onsen Village)
    The Kurokawa Onsen (Hot Spring)in Kumamoto Prefecture is one of the most popular and famous onsen spots on the island of Kyushu. It’s located at an altitude of 700 m, where inns are found standing alongside the River Tanohara, a tributary of River Chikugo. A therapeutic and relaxing atmosphere can be found here. The popular Kurokawa curio, ‘Nyuto Tegata(Bathing Pass)’, which is made of branded thin Oguni cedar wood, is an entrance pass for 3 different open-air hot springs at the inns. The ticket is valid for 6 months.
    At the Igoita Zizo hot Spring cooking rather than bathing are done .The local people use the hot waters to boil vegetables and eggs, and drink from the hot spring. There is a public bathhouse “Zizo Yu (bath)” at the bottom of the road, which is known as the original hot spring and it is said that a hot spring erupted there according to the Neck-less Zizo legend. It has been used by the local people since ancient times.
    Spring Quality: 42-90 ℃, Sodium chloride spring, Sulfate chloride spring, etc
    Beneficial for: Wounds, Neuralgia, and Rheumatism
    Formation of Institution: 300 years ago in the Edo Era
    Leisurely Soak without Staying: Possible
    Drinking from the Hot Spring: Possible
    Benefits of Drinking Hot Spring water: Stomach Regulation (Information is offered at Fumoto Ryokan, Ikoi Ryokan and Okyakuya Ryokan)

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  • 9Kokonoe Yume Grand Suspension Bridge Tourist Information Center
    Kokonoe Yume Grand Suspension Bridge Tourist Information Center is located at Kokonoe Yume Grand Suspension Bridge. Tourism-related handouts, brochures, and various other tourist information including lodging in and around Kokonoe Town available.

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  • 10Beppu Jigoku Meguri (Hell Tour)
    Beppu Jigoku Meguri (Hell Tour) is a tour of eight Beppu hot spring locations where fumarolic steams and gases explode out of the ground.Umi Jigoku (Sea Hell), Chinoike Jigoku (Blood Pond Hell), Tatsumaki Jigoku (Tornado Hell), and Shiraike Jigoku (White Pond Hell) have been selected as National Scenic Beauties of Japan for their aesthetics.

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    • 1
      Huis Ten Bosch
    • 2
      Nagasaki Shinchi Chinatown
    • 3
      Mifuneyama Rakuen Gardens
    • 4
      Kikuchi Valley
    • 5
      Suizen-Ji Joju-En
    • 6
    • 7
      Takachiho Gorge
    • 8
      Kurokawa Onsen (Hot Spring) (Minamioguni Onsen Village)
    • 9
      Kokonoe Yume Grand Suspension Bridge Tourist Information Center
    • 10
      Beppu Jigoku Meguri (Hell Tour)

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